Vincent K. W. Cheng, Michaela Flock, and Michael Ramek,
Ab Initio SCF Structure Investigation of beta-Hydroxypropionic Acid and 3-Aminopropionamide,
Int. J. Quant. Chem. 57, 929-941 (1996).


Publication abstract:

The potential energy surfaces of beta-hydroxypropionic acid and 3-aminopropionamide have been investigated by means of RHF/4-31G calculations. Structures, reaction paths for internal rotations, and the respective energy barriers are reported. The influence of the various intramolecular interactions on structural and energetical properties is shown and compared to the reults previously obtained for beta-alanine.

Interactive viewing:

The following list contains links to all symmetry-unique conformers of beta-hydroxypropionic acid and 3-aminopropionamide, labeled by their absolute energy in Hartree. These links return the coordinates in alchemy format, intended for interactive viewing via RasMol. As a prerequisite, RasMol has to be installed and set up as a helper application of the WWW-browser, in a form similar to the following (which works for Netscape 3.x or 4.x running on a Unix platform; a more detailed description of configuration details can be found elsewhere).

MIME-Type: chemical/x-alc
Suffix: alc
Application: /...path.../rasmol -alchemy %s > /dev/null

Viewers that experience difficulties in recognizing two colored dots in the little graphic next to this paragraph should adjust the RasMol background color by using a command similar to the following, and experiment to find a suitable triple of numbers between 0 and 255.

Application: echo 'background [51,51,51]' | /...path.../rasmol -alchemy %s > /dev/null

beta-hydroxypropionic acid:

  1. -341.1926975288  
  2. -341.1899726039  
  3. -341.1895077051  
  4. -341.1878986250  
  5. -341.1877247362  
  6. -341.1872686854  
  7. -341.1869677282  
  8. -341.1863252414  H
  9. -341.1860232350  
  10. -341.1858803638  
  11. -341.1856256412  
  12. -341.1798874803  
  13. -341.1772732180  
  14. -341.1748651225  
  15. -341.1723684690  
  16. -341.1717798560  
  17. -341.1696822250  


  1. -301.5934079469  
  2. -301.5913308985  
  3. -301.5904177593  
  4. -301.5887648081  
  5. -301.5878934653  
  6. -301.5861424012  

Related links:

Informations required by Austrian law (Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG): Dr. Michael Ramek, Graz.