Research Group Solid State Spectroscopy and Magnetochemistry in Material Science.


Nanostructured Materials.

The structuring of matter on a nanometer scale, especially using micro- and mesoporous composites, is a topic of materials science. Nanostructured materials are compounds tailored in the nanometer range or assembled materials with a bulk structure on this scale. Richard P. Feynman was one of the first to recognise the scientific and technological potential of such materials as evidenced by his legendary 1959 lecture entitled: There's plenty of room at the bottom. In the last decade numerous research activities and the fast development of synthetic methods resulted in a variety of new nanostructured materials and also promoted the understanding of their properties.

Presently two different research topics can be identified in our group:

International Cooperations:

Publications (our own).

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Informations required by Austrian law (Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG): Dr. Karl Gatterer, Graz.