Research Group Solid State Spectroscopy
and Magnetochemistry in Material Science.
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Nanostructured Materials.
The structuring of matter on a nanometer scale, especially using micro-
and mesoporous composites, is a topic of materials science. Nanostructured
materials are compounds tailored in the nanometer range or assembled materials
with a bulk structure on this scale. Richard P. Feynman was one of the
first to recognise the scientific and technological potential of such materials
as evidenced by his legendary 1959 lecture entitled: There's plenty
of room at the bottom. In the last decade numerous research activities
and the fast development of synthetic methods resulted in a variety of
new nanostructured materials and also promoted the understanding of their
Presently two different research topics can be identified in our group:
Synthesis and investigation of insertion compounds.
The preparation of
these compounds is a three-step procedure consisting of the structure-directed
synthesis of microporous hosts, the oxidative combustion (calcination)
of organic molecules or cations occluded during synthesis and finally the
insertion of guest molecules via the gas phase. Guest molecules have been
I2, Br2, IBr2, HgCl2, HgBr2,
HgI2, S (rings), Se (rings) and others. The characterisation
of the compounds is performed with a wide variety of experimental methods
including: optical and electron microscopy (performed at the
for Electron Microscopy in Graz), elemental analysis, X-ray absorption
spectroscopy (performed at the Hamburg synchrotron laboratory HASYLAB),
UV-VIS spectroscopy, IR, FTIR and Resonance Raman spectroscopy (in collaboration
with Prof. Alois Popitsch, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Karl-Franzens
University, Graz).
- Cooperative synthesis of metal oxyhydroxide-surfactant
The aim here is to prepare and characterise new
mesoporous surfactant-metal(hydr)oxide
composites with an inorganic part consisting of transition metal hydr(oxides).
Interesting results have already been obtained for iron containing composites.
Presently the new composites containing manganum [Mn(III)/Mn(IV) mixed
valency], chromium and rare-earth ions are investigated. Part of this activities
is covered by the research project no. 7110 entitled Mesostructured
metal(hydr)oxide-surfactant Composites; Novel routes to nanostructured
magnetic materials granted by the Austrian National Bank to Dr. Karl
Gatterer. Experimental for characterisation of the composites include:
Mössbauer spectroscopy (performed at the Physics Department, Technical
University of Denmark, Lyngby), Magnetic measurements, X-ray diffraction,
thermal gravimetric and differential thermals analysis, differential scanning
International Cooperations:
Prof. Peter Day
[Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London (UK)];
Galen D. Stucky [Department of Chemistry and Materials Department,
University of California at Santa Barbara, CA (USA)];
Peter Behrens [Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Universität
Hannover, Germany].
Current fields of research.
Research Group
Solid State Spectroscopy and Magnetochemistry in Material Science.
Informations required by Austrian law
(Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG): Dr. Karl Gatterer, Graz.