Dr. Karl Gatterer: Curriculum Vitae. |
- Date of birth: November 11, 1957 in Villach (Austria);
- Citizenship: Austrian;
- Civic status: married, one child;
- Civil service: June 2, 1986 - January 31, 1987.
Current position:
Associate professor
at the Graz University of Technology (TU-Graz), Graz, Austria.
Educational background:
- Formal graduation (Diplom-Ingenieur): TU-Graz, December 2, 1983;
- Doctor technicae (Ph.D. equivalent): TU-Graz, June 6, 1988;
- Habilitation (Universitätsdozent) for Physical Chemistry: TU-Graz,
November 10, 1998.
Research activities:
Current research activities are in the fields of optical spectroscopy of
rare-earth doped glasses and in the magnetic properties of meso- and
nano-structured materials. Past and current research cooperations with
the following researchers have lead to publications in international journals:
- Prof. Peter Day [Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain,
London (UK)];
- Prof. Colin D. Flint [Laser Laboratory at the Birkbeck College,
University of London, London (UK)];
- Prof. Marco Bettinelli [Istituto Policattedra Facoltà di
Scienze MM. FF. NN., University of Verona, Verona (Italy)];
- Prof. Salah Arafa [The American University in Cairo, Cairo (Egypt)];
- Dr. Mauricio Ferrari [CNR-Trento (Italy)].
Dr. Karl Gatterer.
Research Group
Solid State Spectroscopy and Magnetochemistry in Material Science.
Informations required by Austrian law
(Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG): Dr. Karl Gatterer, Graz.