Dr. Karl Gatterer:
Visits to Foreign Academic Institutions. |
- May 20 - June 20, 1985: Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory,
University of Oxford, Oxford (UK), in the group of Prof. Peter Day;
- March 1 - April 30, 1986: Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, (USA), with Prof. Bruno Gruber;
- September 10-18, 1989: Laser Laboratory of the Birkbeck College,
University of London, London (UK) in the group of Prof. Colin D. Flint;
- July 9 - September 10, 1990: Laser Laboratory of the Birkbeck College,
University of London, London (UK) in the group of Prof. Colin D. Flint;
- May 21-24, 1991: Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Metallorganica ed
Analytica, University of Padova, Padova, (Italy) with Prof. Marco Bettinelli;
- April 3-22, 1993: Physics Department, The American University in Cairo,
Cairo (Egypt) with Prof. Salah Arafa;
- March 22 - April 1, 1994: Laser Laboratory of the Birkbeck College,
University of London, London (UK) in the group of Prof. Colin D.Flint;
- March 29 - April 5, 1995: Physics Department, The American University in
Cairo, Cairo (Egypt) with Prof. Salah Arafa;
- August 15 - 23, 1995: The Royal Institution of Great Britain, London (UK)
in the group of Prof. Peter Day;
- April 2 - April 12, 1996: Physics Department, The American University in
Cairo, Cairo (Egypt) with Prof. Salah Arafa;
- April 13 - April 23, 1998: Physics Department, The American University in
Cairo, Cairo (Egypt) with Prof. Salah Arafa;
- February 23 - March 1, 2002: Laser Laboratory of the Birkbeck
College, University of London, London (UK) in the group of Prof.
Colin D. Flint;
April 6 - April 13, 2002: Physics Department, The American University
in Cairo, Cairo (Egypt) with Prof. Salah Arafa.
Dr. Karl Gatterer.
Research Group
Solid State Spectroscopy and Magnetochemistry in Material Science.
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(Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG): Dr. Karl Gatterer, Graz.