Research Group Solid State Spectroscopy and Magnetochemistry in Material Science.


Spectroscopy and Energy Transfer in Cubic Hexachloroelpasolite Crystals.

The elpasolite crystal lattice has the space-group symmetry Fm3m (Oh5) and the [LnCl6]3^- complex ions (Ln = rare-earth ion) have site symmetry Oh. Hence the rare-earth ions are surrounded by a perfect octahedron of six chloride ions. The samples are prepared via the Bridgman method. These high symmetry crystals constitute attractive model systems for the study of cross-relaxation and energy transfer processes. The reasons for this are:

In close collaboration with Prof. Colin D. Flint a mathematical model (the shell model) has been developed, which is particularly useful for the analysis of cross relaxation and energy transfer processes in systems with high symmetry. The model accounts for the experimental data without curve fitting to non-exponential decay curves and removes the deficiencies of the Inokuti-Hirayama equation which was developed for solutions and is not particularly well suited for crystals.

International cooperations: Prof. Colin D. Flint [Laser Laboratory, Birkbeck College, University of London, London, UK].

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Informations required by Austrian law (Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG): Dr. Karl Gatterer, Graz.