Umschalten auf deutsche Version.
Structure Determination of Auxin Phytohormones.

Electron Densities of 3-Indole Acetic Acid.

Electron densities are shown for the mirror plane of the global IAA minimum, with color changes at 0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, ..., 0.60, 0.85, 1.10, ..., 3.10, and 5.00 electrons/Bohr³. Saddle points in the electron density identify chemical bonds ( cf. "What is a bond?", R. F. W. Bader); the density values in these points are a measure for the strength of the corresponding bonds. Basis set differences become obvious in the six-membered phenyl ring of the indole nucleus: in the 3-21G and 4-31G description, stronger and weaker C-C bonds alternate, resembling the alternating single- and double-bond picture, whereas in the 6-31G* and the 6-311G** cases all six aromatic bonds are of equal strength.

back: IAA.
far back: Start of auxin tour.
Exit: Quantum Chemistry Group.

Informations required by Austrian law (Offenlegung gem. §25 MedienG): Dr. Michael Ramek, Graz.